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sharing-experience.com is a sandbox full of ideas, experiences and discoveries from our daily work as advisors in the system design, software architecture and DevOps space. Sharing is caring. Open source is love.

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Versioning data in Postgres? Testing a git like approach

got curious about storing everything in Git. It has out of the box versioning, branching, conflict resolution, scale, etc. After a few days of digging, I realised it was a bit overkill and not the bes...

The startup CTO's Handbook

The Startup CTO's Handbook, a book covering leadership, management and technical topics for leaders of software engineering teams

Kubernetes And Kernel Panics

How Netflix’s Container Platform Connects Linux Kernel Panics to Kubernetes Pods


BookStack is a simple, self-hosted, easy-to-use platform for organising and storing information.


Open-source developer platform and workflow engine Turn scripts into auto-generated UIs, APIs and cron jobs. Compose them as workflows or data pipelines. Build complex, data-intensive apps with ease.

EAM: Grundprinzipien der agilen Enterprise-Architektur

Enterprise-Architektur-Management muss agil sein, wenn die Unternehmensarchitektur im ständigen Wandel mithalten soll. Eine paar Grundprinzipien helfen dabei.


drgn (pronounced "dragon") is a debugger with an emphasis on programmability. drgn exposes the types and variables in a program for easy, expressive scripting in Python.

A minimal, complete and correct ELF file

As part of the compiler for my homebrew language, Garlic, I've been exploring what's in an ELF file. This is so I can output a binary file, ready for execution, instead of depending on an external com...

How I reduced the size of my very first published docker image by 40% - A lesson in dockerizing shell scripts

How I reduced the size of my very first published docker image by 40% - A lesson in dockerizing shell scripts

Leaky Vessels: Docker and runc container breakout vulnerabilities (January 2024)

s. An attacker could use these container escapes to gain unauthorized access to the underlying host operating system from within the container.

Leaky Vessels Dynamic Detector

In this repository you'll find a reference implementation for an eBPF-based runtime detection for the runc and Docker vulnerabilities CVE-2024-21626, CVE-2024-23651, CVE-2024-23652 and CVE-2024-23653....