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Anitya Anitya is a release monitoring project. It provides a user-friendly interface to add, edit, or browse projects. A cron job can be configured to regularly scan for new releases of projects. When Anitya discovers a new release for a project, it publishes a RabbitMQ messages via fedora messaging. This makes it easy to integrate with Anitya and perform actions when a new release is created for a project. For example, the Fedora project runs a service called the-new-hotness which files a Bugzilla bug against a package when the upstream project makes a new release. Open source
Vale Vales brings your editorial style guide to life. Open source
How to add documentation to your product life cycle As a tech writer, I’ve encountered a number of different processes that teams and companies have used to add documentation to their product development processes. Some of these are intentional and others are incidental—but all are used to create documentation across the software development industry.
Unit Testing pipelines with Spock Presentation from Jenkins World 2018 how to unit test Jenkins pipelines.
Deployment Strategies Defined Let’s talk about deployments. This topic used to be considered an uninteresting implementation detail, but is now becoming a fundamental element for modern systems. I feel like everyone understand its importance, and is working to build solutions around it, but we are missing some structure and definition. People use different terms for same meanings, or same terms for different meanings. This leads to other people reinventing the wheel trying to solve their problems. We need a common understanding of this topic in order to build better tools, make better decisions, and simplify communication with each other.
OpenGitOps OpenGitOps is a set of open-source standards and best practices.
State of Continuous Delivery Report: 18 Months into the COVID-19 Pandemic In this report, commissioned by the CDF and authored by SlashData, we explore the current state of the CD developer ecosystem and how this has evolved over the past year. We look at:how many developers are involved in the broader DevOps space;how many work with continuous delivery technologies in particular;how developers’ software delivery performance has changed over time;which developer segments have experienced the greatest shifts;and which factors contribute the most to superior software delivery performance.
30 Common CI/CD Interview Questions (with Answers) - Semaphore A list of 30 common and answered CI/CD interview questions.
Return on CI/CD Is Larger than the Business Outcome – The New Stack If a software organization is not yet adopting CI/CD, its leadership and management should realize that they are already behind and at a huge disadvantage.
Shipping to Production - The Pragmatic Engineer Approaches for shipping code to production reliably, every time.
How to automatically update docker containers whenever new image is released – sleeplessbeastie's notes Automatically update docker containers whenever new image is released using watchtower. This is a great solution, especially when you are using portainer for container management (continuous mode) or jenkins (run-once mode). I will focus on the latter solution.
GitLab DevSecOps Survey Results 2022 | GitLab With over 5000 respondents, the GitLab 2022 DevSecOps survey provides valuable strategic insight into the latest team structures and practices. Learn more here!
Lessons Learned from Enterprise Usage of GitHub Actions GitHub Actions is an effective CI tool. However, integrating it into enterprise organizations can be challenging. This article looks at best practices for GitHub Actions in the enterprise.
Flagger Progressive Delivery operator for Kubernetes (Canary, A/B Testing and Blue/Green deployments) Open source
Replicated Multi-prem Software Delivery and Management. Unlock the opportunity of multi-prem software. Deliver and manage Kubernetes apps in customer-managed environments with Replicated. Commercial
Porter Porter is a fully-managed PaaS that lets teams automate DevOps. Deploy and manage apps within AWS, GCP, DO, and more. Open source
Cartographer Easily Build Cloud Native Supply ChainsCartographer allows you to create secure and reusable supply chains that define all of your application CI and CD in one place, in clust Open source
DontShaveTheYak/jenkins-std-lib Library for developing Jenkins Pipelines Open source
werf Consistent delivery tool. Git as a single source of truth. Build, deploy to Kubernetes, stay in sync. Open source
Devtron An open-source release orchestration & CI/CD platform | Simplified software delivery workflow for kubernetes Commercial
microsoft/sbom-tool The SBOM tool is a highly scalable and enterprise ready tool to create SPDX 2.2 compatible SBOMs for any variety of artifacts. Open source dagger - A portable devkit for CI/CD pipelines. Build powerful CI/CD pipelines quickly, then run them anywhere.- Give your developers parity between dev and CI environments- Test and debug your pipelines locally- Run the same pipeline on any CI environment without re-writes Open source Commercial
Zuul Zuul is an open source CI that powers some of the largest Open Source development efforts. Open source
DontShaveTheYak/jenkins-std-lib Library for developing Jenkins Pipelines Open source
Unit Testing pipelines with Spock Presentation from Jenkins World 2018 how to unit test Jenkins pipelines.
OpenGitOps OpenGitOps is a set of open-source standards and best practices.
Lessons Learned from Enterprise Usage of GitHub Actions GitHub Actions is an effective CI tool. However, integrating it into enterprise organizations can be challenging. This article looks at best practices for GitHub Actions in the enterprise.
Jenkins Open source
GitHub Actions Open source Commercial
Argo CD Open source