
Laravel Livewire has no direct support for multitenancy applications, in which custom route namespaces are registered for a tenant. The PR #2662 (feat: make Livewire default routes configurable and publishable) addresses this issue, but has not been merged to main.

When you apply PR #2662 to your local or CI/CD environment, it will be overwritten with the next composer update.


First, add the livewire/livewire package to the dont-discover section of your composer.json. This prevents the automatic package discovery of Livewire\LivewireServiceProvider:

    "require": {
        "livewire/livewire": "^2.10.4",
    "extra": {
        "laravel": {
            "dont-discover": [

Create a new class App\Providers\CustomLivewireServiceProvider. That one overwrites the default route registratation:


namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route as RouteFacade;
use Livewire\Controllers\FilePreviewHandler;
use Livewire\Controllers\FileUploadHandler;
use Livewire\Controllers\HttpConnectionHandler;
use Livewire\Controllers\LivewireJavaScriptAssets;
use Livewire\LivewireServiceProvider;

 * This custom service provider overwrites the default LivewireServiceProvider.
 * It is required so that the routes are registered inside a tenant's namespace.
 * <ul>
 * <li>Add <em>livewire/livewire</em> to the <em>dont-discover</em> section inside your <em>compoers.json</em></li>
 * <li>Call CustomLivewireServiceProvider::registerLivewireRoutes() in your <em>routes/web.php</em></li>
 * </ul>
class CustomLivewireServiceProvider extends LivewireServiceProvider
     * Register the default Livewire routes.
     * @return void
    public static function registerLivewireRoutes()
        RouteFacade::post('/livewire/message/{name}', HttpConnectionHandler::class)
            ->middleware(config('livewire.middleware_group', ''));

        RouteFacade::post('/livewire/upload-file', [FileUploadHandler::class, 'handle'])
            ->middleware(config('livewire.middleware_group', ''));

        RouteFacade::get('/livewire/preview-file/{filename}', [FilePreviewHandler::class, 'handle'])
            ->middleware(config('livewire.middleware_group', ''));

    protected function registerRoutes()
        // we are okay with the fact, that the JavaScript files gets registered in the default namespace
        RouteFacade::get('/livewire/livewire.js', [LivewireJavaScriptAssets::class, 'source']);
        RouteFacade::get('/livewire/', [LivewireJavaScriptAssets::class, 'maps']);

Add the newly created CustomLivewireServiceProvider to the providers section of your config/app.php:


return [

    | Application Name
    | This value is the name of your application. This value is used when the
    | framework needs to place the application's name in a notification or
    | any other location as required by the application or its packages.

    'name' => env('APP_NAME', 'app'),
	// ...
	'providers' => [
		// ...
		// ...
	// ...

In the last step, you have to register the routes manually in your routes/web.php. You have to call the registration inside your multitenant-specific route group definition:

Route::domain('{subdomain}.' . config('app.domain'))
    ->group(function () {
		// ...
		// register custom livewire routes
		// accept temporary uploads for media library
        // @see